Target: Alex Cross (Alex Cross 26) by James Patterson

Target: Alex Cross Book Cover

Target: Alex Cross
Alex Cross 26
James Patterson
Mystery & Thrillers
Random House UK, Cornerstone Century
15 Nov 2018
Yeah, hell yeah!



Men and women from across the nation line the streets of Washington D.C. to mourn the unexpected death of the President. Hit by painful memories of the loss of his first wife, Alex Cross is left reeling by this tragedy.


A sniper's bullet strikes another devastating blow to the heart of Washington with the assassination of a prominent Senator. The shock of this attack puts huge pressure on the police to deliver a speedy response, and as Chief of Detectives, Alex's wife Bree Stone is given an ultimatum: solve the case, or lose her job.


The new President calls on Alex Cross to lead an unparalleled FBI investigation to help capture America's most wanted criminal. Alex has a terrible feeling that the assassination is just the beginning of a much larger plan. All too soon this fear springs to life as a terrifying chain of events plunges the government and the entire country into chaos.

The stakes have never been higher for Alex Cross as his courage, his training and his capacity for battle are stretched to their limits in the most important case of his life.

Alex Cross is back! And how!

Target: Alex Cross” is from page 1 till the last one a warm bed for every thriller lover. Snuggling down, on a rainy day, and this book in your hands you’ll forget the rest of the world. Yes it is number 26 in this series but Patterson still makes it feel fresh and crisp. Multiple story lines woven into one keeps you interested and will make you hate yourself for finishing this book in one go.

Where’s number 27??? I want it now.

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