White Bodies by Jane Robins

White Bodies Book Cover

White Bodies
Jane Robins
28 Dec 2017
Jane Robins began her career as a journalist with The Economist, The Independent, and the BBC. She has made a specialty of writing historical true crime and has a particular interest in the history of forensics. She has published three books of nonfiction in the UK, Rebel Queen (Simon & Schuster, 2006), The Magnificent Spilsbury (John Murray, 2010), and The Curious Habits of Doctor Adams (John Murray, 2013). More recently, she has been a Fellow at the Royal Literary Fund.


Callie loves Tilda. She’s her sister, after all. And she’s beautiful and successful. Tilda loves Felix. He’s her husband. Successful and charismatic, he is also controlling, suspicious and, possibly, dangerous. Still, Tilda loves Felix. And Callie loves Tilda. Very, very much. So she’s determined to save her. But the cost could destroy them all…

Sometimes we love too much.

White Bodies‘ has an intriguing story to tell, at points it hangs a bit to much on a single idea though which forces the reader in a certain direction. For that reason it took me some time to really get into this book, to get hooked by it. You know there will be twists in the story and it simply took me too long before this happened.
Robins tries to get into the mind of Hitchcock and pulls out a story which could have been his, a reference to him is repeatedly made by recalling ‘Strangers on a Train‘.

Nevertheless I liked this book; Robins’ writing style is good and she manages to turn events in the end in a Hitchcock kind of way. Somehow predictable but with a twist.


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