Comics & Graphic Novels , Middle Grade
Andrews McMeel Publishing
13 Mar 2018
Pick up a glass of milk, curl up with your security blanket, and enjoy the timeless brilliance of Peanuts in this new collection of comic strips!
Everyone’s favorite classic characters are back: Peppermint Patty enrolls in a private school to end her academic troubles—only to discover she’s just graduated from obedience school. Linus finds himself entangled in a love triangle (and stuck on top of a snow-covered roof). And Charlie Brown runs away from the law and becomes a vagrant baseball coach.
The Peanuts crew is lovable, popular, and charming, but please whatever you do, don’t call Linus “My Sweet Babboo!”
Who never heard of ‘Peanuts‘? The comic by Charles M.Schulz has a long and rich history of short comics.
This book isn’t any different from all those other books in the series, it’s funny, to the point and sometimes heart breaking. You got to love it. The kind of book you’ve got to browse when you see it laying around and have some minutes to spare.Timeless, classic!
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