History , Sci Fi & Fantasy
Perseid Press
25 May 2015
Dragons have been eating humans for centuries. Now heroes throughout history stalk their legendary foe. Learn how to hunt, kill, and eat the wild dragon. Never before has revenge tasted so good. A literary feast for the bloody-minded.
In Janet Morris' anthology on the art of dragon killing, seventeen writers bring you so close to dragons you can smell their fetid breath. Tales for the bold among you.
HEROIKA 1 -- DRAGON EATERS, an anthology of heroic fiction edited by Janet Morris, features original stories by Janet Morris and Chris Morris, S. E. Lindberg, Jack William Finley, Travis Ludvigson, Tom Barczak, J. P. Wilder, Joe Bonadonna, Milton Davis, Alexandra Butcher, William Hiles, M Harold Page, Walter Rhein, Cas Peace, Beth Waggoner Patterson, Bruce Durham, Mark Finn.
‘Dragon Eaters’ is a collection of 17 original short stories which all have 1 thing in common: dragons. Each story written by a different author which also means not every story will fit your style, but in the end you’ll be satisfied to read different viewpoints on dragons and humanity, their co-existence in every day life.
Those dragons are good and bad, fly and swim, eat or are been eaten. Prepare yourself for a wonder journey along with your favorite dragon.